Construction Updates Trilby Cox Construction Updates Trilby Cox

Cottonwood Canyon Construction Update

Big Cottonwood Canyon will undergo construction that will prevent cycling access to certain parts of the canyon. Construction crews will be paving S.R. 190 (Big Cottonwood Canyon) from milepost 8 (mid canyon) to the Brighton Ski Resort loop and will also include Guardsman Pass Road up to the winter gate. Crews began lowering utility access covers in the road last week, and construction is expected to continue through mid-August.  

Paving operations should begin on Tuesday, June 30. Crews will be working Monday through Thursdays during daylight hours. Traffic will be restricted to one lane of travel that will be led by a pilot car.  Cyclists can access the canyon up to milepost 8 but will be restricted at that point during construction.

A map with all of the construction projects going on in the Cottonwood canyons can be found at the link below.

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Construction Updates Trilby Cox Construction Updates Trilby Cox

Roadway Project near East Canyon Reservoir

As some of you may be aware of, there is currently a roadway repaving project on SR-65 and SR-66 in Morgan County in the East Canyon Reservoir area*. This project started last summer and will soon be completed this summer. However, we have been informed that  with summer and construction nearing the end, a lot of cyclists are coming through the work zone, creating hazardous riding conditions.

We care about your safety so please be patient and make sure to avoid this area until the crews complete what’s called a “chip seal” on the roadway. This process is going to be starting this upcoming Monday (6/29) and will continue for 2-3 weeks. Once that is complete, the roadway will be opened back up to motorists, cyclists, etc.

Though the roadway will be open as these operations take place, loose gravel and construction equipment along the road make riding in that area very unsafe. If cyclists do happen to go through, we ask that they abide by the laws of traffic and act as if they are a vehicle because pilot cars and flagging operations will be put in place  to keep traffic safely moving.

Spread the word to keep riders safe in Utah. No matter where you ride, please assess the feasibility and safety of the route before proceeding. 

*The project is located in Morgan County on SR-65 from the Salt Lake County line (milepost 8) to the Summit County line (milepost 22) and SR-66 from the Porterville area (milepost 9) to East Canyon Reservoir (milepost 0). The project includes the removal and replacement of the top layer of asphalt pavement and installation of new guardrail along the project corridors.

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Construction Updates Trilby Cox Construction Updates Trilby Cox

Emigration Canyon Construction Closure

Construction through Emigration Canyon will begin on June 15th, and is planned to continue through mid-September 2020. This project will require one-way traffic conditions, guided by flaggers. Because one lane will be inaccessible, the road is not wide enough to safely accommodate both motor vehicles and bicycles.

As a result, Salt Lake County has made the decision to CLOSE Emigration Canyon to cyclists during construction. The first week of work activities will have minor impacts to the roadway surface. As a result, Emigration Canyon will be open to recreational cyclists until Monday, June 22. We know this is a popular cycling route so make sure to share this information with your cycling friends.

Project Schedule Update:

The contractor, Black Forest Paving, has suggested a change to the project schedule and sequencing of work to save both time and money on the contract. Rather than performing soft spot repairs (places where the pavement and sub-material must be completely removed and re-installed, essentially reconstructing sections of the roadway) prior to asphalt removal (milling), they will proceed with asphalt removal to more quickly and accurately identify soft spots and conduct repairs as they go.

As a result, they will begin major asphalt work July 6, and will keep the canyon open to recreational cyclists until that date. This will allow recreational users of Emigration Canyon full access over the 4th of July holiday. 

The contractor has assured us that with this new accelerated schedule, they will still be able to complete all of the paving by mid-to-late September.

Visit the link below to view project details, updates, a timeline, and how this will affect the cycling community.

Emigration Canyon Construction_Page_1.jpg
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Construction Updates Trilby Cox Construction Updates Trilby Cox

Temporary Closure: Pine Hollow Trailhead Parking Area

The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) will temporarily close the Pine Hollow Trailhead parking area in American Fork Canyon as part of a road resurfacing project on S.R. 92 through the canyon.

The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) will temporarily close the Pine Hollow Trailhead parking area in American Fork Canyon as part of a road resurfacing project on S.R. 92 through the canyon.

Beginning as early as today, June 8, crews will close the parking area for up to three weeks to rebuild it. This closure will also restrict access to area restrooms. Work will take place day and night.

During construction, on-street parking within the project limits will be strictly prohibited. The Pine Hollow Trailhead will reopen to trail users by the July 4 weekend.

For more information on construction, location and temporary closure information visit the link below.

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Construction Updates Trilby Cox Construction Updates Trilby Cox

Provo Canyon Update for Cyclists

On eastbound U.S. 189 through Provo Canyon this summer, crews are repairing retaining walls along the highway and have closed the shoulder area within construction zones near Vivian Park and the S.R. 92 junction (shown on the map).

On eastbound U.S. 189 through Provo Canyon this summer, crews are repairing retaining walls along the highway and have closed the shoulder area within construction zones near Vivian Park and the S.R. 92 junction (shown on the map).

For your safety, please ride on the Provo River Parkway trail and avoid U.S. 189 if possible. If you need to ride on the road, stay outside the work zone. Crews are operating trucks and heavy construction equipment in these work areas and may not see you.

Do your part to help us change the 100 deadliest days to the 100 safest days this summer!

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Construction Updates Trilby Cox Construction Updates Trilby Cox

Updates: American Fork Canyon Construction

Starting Tuesday, May 12, UDOT will resurface S.R. 92 from 5500 West in Highland to the Pine Hollow Trailhead, and S.R. 144 from S.R. 92 to Tibble Fork Reservoir. All traffic, including bikes, are required to follow flagging operations that are in place.

We previously posted about ongoing construction projects in American Fork Canyon, which may affect the safety of road cyclists along this popular route. If you are driving, please note the trailhead areas that will be temporarily closed as well as the need to pre-purchase passes online.

UDOT has issued this update, with the reminder that to ensure safety, all traffic, including cyclists should follow flagging and crew instructions:

Starting Tuesday, May 12, UDOT will resurface S.R. 92 from 5500 West in Highland to the Pine Hollow Trailhead, and S.R. 144 from S.R. 92 to Tibble Fork Reservoir. All traffic, including bikes, are required to follow flagging operations that are in place.

Crews will begin work by removing the American Fork Canyon Fee Station at the mouth of the canyon. Passes can be purchased online at or at the Pleasant Grove Ranger District office (390 N 100 E). 

As part of this work, the Pine Hollow Trailhead and Tibble Fork Reservoir will close temporarily.

To sign up for project updates email or for more information call 385-501-2100. 

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