Roadway Project near East Canyon Reservoir

As some of you may be aware of, there is currently a roadway repaving project on SR-65 and SR-66 in Morgan County in the East Canyon Reservoir area*. This project started last summer and will soon be completed this summer. However, we have been informed that  with summer and construction nearing the end, a lot of cyclists are coming through the work zone, creating hazardous riding conditions.

We care about your safety so please be patient and make sure to avoid this area until the crews complete what’s called a “chip seal” on the roadway. This process is going to be starting this upcoming Monday (6/29) and will continue for 2-3 weeks. Once that is complete, the roadway will be opened back up to motorists, cyclists, etc.

Though the roadway will be open as these operations take place, loose gravel and construction equipment along the road make riding in that area very unsafe. If cyclists do happen to go through, we ask that they abide by the laws of traffic and act as if they are a vehicle because pilot cars and flagging operations will be put in place  to keep traffic safely moving.

Spread the word to keep riders safe in Utah. No matter where you ride, please assess the feasibility and safety of the route before proceeding. 

*The project is located in Morgan County on SR-65 from the Salt Lake County line (milepost 8) to the Summit County line (milepost 22) and SR-66 from the Porterville area (milepost 9) to East Canyon Reservoir (milepost 0). The project includes the removal and replacement of the top layer of asphalt pavement and installation of new guardrail along the project corridors.


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Wilderness First Aid Course