Wilderness First Aid Course

We are partnering with MEDIC SOLO Disaster and Wilderness Medical School to host a Wilderness First Aid course in Salt Lake City on June 27-28th from 8:30am-6:30pm. 

This course will provide hands-on learning experiences about how to give vital first aid care when accidents happen in instances like when on casual hikes, in remote areas, or moments when paramedics are far away, unreachable, or overwhelmed. 

Topics Include:

  • Patient Assess System: How to treat, monitor, evacuate, and document

  • Medical Emergency: What to do in instances where there is shock, allergy, breathing, brain or heart problems

  • Environmental Emergency: What to do when there are issues like cold, heat, dehydration, or lightning

  • Skin Injury: How to stop bleeding, speed healing, and prevent infection

  • Musculoskeletal Injury: How to reduce pain and speed healing for sprains, strains and fractures

  • Evacuation & Caregiving for hours to days before hospital arrival

 Although these skills are useful at any time, now that more people are outdoors adventuring, they may be needed most!

In order to keep our students safe,  we have added numerous safety measures, including:

  • 14-days pre-course illness screening questionnaire

  • Scan of each participant's body temperature each day

  • Masks and eye protection worn at all times (there will be limited masks available in case of need)

  • 6+ feet physical distance maintained as appropriate throughout class. Best option: students register with non-social-distancing partners and practice skills on each other. Acceptable option: attend alone and bring a homemade mannequin (stuffed pants & shirt) for your patient.

  • plus many more safety precautions.

Course fee: $215 

Register Below


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