The Utah Bike Summit is the state bicycle conference that connects bicycle enthusiasts, advocates, transportation professionals, elected officials, and community leaders to share ideas, facilitate discussions, and present actionable plans to make Utah a better place to ride.
Utah Valley University
Utah Valley University | 08/14/25
Building Connections, Empowering Communities:
Active Transportation as a Solution
Join us as we explore Utah’s ever-expanding active transportation scene!
With the following three focus areas of:
Cultivating Connectivity
Active Transportation as a Solution
We’ll discuss topics like
Enhancing mobility through active transportation networks, vibrant neighborhoods, appropriate land use, and seamless transit solutions;
Building partnerships between government entities, nonprofits, businesses, and communities to advance active transportation; and
Active transportation as a solution to issues around sustainability, public health, traffic congestion, environmental challenges or anything else that might be of concern for communities across the state.
Discover how biking (and scooting, and rolling, and walking) shape our lives and drive positive change in our communities.
Call for Speakers
If you have insights, research, success stories to share, or challenges you face, we invite you to join the conversation and help shape the future of active transportation in Utah. Submit your proposal for a presentation or workshop today.
Please complete this form to be considered for a presentation opportunity. All formats will be considered - single speaker, panel, roundtable, interactive or hands-on activity or demonstration, etc. Completing this form does not guarantee a presentation opportunity at the Utah Bike Summit.
Register today!
Early Bird ticket pricing is good through March 31.
Register today! Early Bird ticket pricing is good through March 31.
Utah Valley University
08/14/25 | Utah Valley University |
If you need financial assistance for registration, please email

Show your support as a partner or sponsor.
Partner with or sponsor the 2025 Bike Summit and showcase your business, organization, or city as a supporter of active transportation in Utah.