Input Needed: New Amenities Near Goosenecks State Park

The BLM has received a proposal from the Utah State Parks to develop a campground and mountain bike trail system on lands administered by the BLM adjacent to Goosenecks State Park in southeast San Juan County, Utah. The project could include 14 developed camp sites to better accommodate for the camping demand and better protect the resources, including the viewshed along the rim and from the river. In order to provide an appropriate range of recreation opportunities and experiences, the BLM is considering the development of a mountain bike and hiking trail system adjacent to the campground.

By clicking the button below, you can read more about the proposal, view maps, and provide comments on through the BLM planning site. Once on the site, click on the left-side menu items to navigate.


Input Needed: Mountain Trails Foundation E-MTB Survey


Now Accepting Applications - Utah Office of Outdoor Recreation Grant Programs