Safe, Healthy, and Active Streets Initiative

“There have been significant changes in the places we go and how we get there. In Utah, the average weekday traffic volume on the freeway has decreased by 30-45%. Mobility around retail, transit stations, and workplaces are all down about 40%, while visits to parks are up by 16%.”

Bike Utah recently partnered with Get Healthy UtahUtah DOTUtah Department of HealthRide UTAUtah Office of Outdoor Recreation, and Salt Lake City Government to provide support for the use of public roadways and resources to increase accessibility to cyclists and pedestrians and better protect the health and safety of residents.

These temporary lane closures for recreation, many of which have been implemented for several weeks in Salt Lake City and are in the works for areas in Provo and other Utah locations, encourage active living and make it easier to maintain physical distance from other users.

Are you interested in having some lanes on roads in your local community designated for walking, running, and cycling? Are you interested in some of the temporary lane closures currently in place becoming permanently closed to traffic and safely open to pedestrians and cyclists? Email us at!


Sign Up Now: Virtual Meetings for Blueprint Jordan River


Ten Ways to Celebrate Bike Month in Utah!