Help Redesign the 200 South Corridor!

Salt Lake City is redesigning 200 South from 400 West to 900 East and is asking for your input!

SLC envisions a corridor where businesses thrive, residents feel comfortable and safe walking, and transit users navigate easily. With that mission, they have developed three concepts to show a range of high-level and interchangeable opportunities for improving mobility and providing additional pedestrian amenities, landscaping, and streetscape.

The three drafts are intended to create preferred lane configuration and general treatment options along the corridor. All design features would be located within the existing city right-of way. Certain features are common to all of the drafts developed such as, prioritizing transit and providing additional pedestrian support, landscaping, and streetscape improvements. These common features include:

  • Floating bus stops, meaning bikes run behind the bus stops and the buses do not stop along the curb

  • Improved intersection protection for bicyclists

  • Curb bulb-outs also referred to as “extensions” and enhanced mid-block

  • Pedestrian crossings

  • Landscaped medians

  • Buffered or protected bicycle lanes

  • Parking, freight, and public space

Based on technical analysis, safety data, and public feedback, a final concept will be assembled to advance to a final design. To help shape 200 South visit the website and give your feedback!


How Data Affects Bike Safety


Wasatch Bike Plan 2020 Update