Alpine Loop Highway Construction Updates


While planning your next summer cycling adventure, make sure you’re aware of the current construction and closures on the Alpine Loop Highway.

From now until early July, UDOT crews will be hard at work chip sealing S.R. 92 over the Alpine Loop Highway. This means that sections of the road between Pine Hollow Trailhead and Provo Canyon will be under construction, closed, and especially dangerous for cyclists and pedestrians. There are three sections to be aware of:

Section one, which is S.R. 92 from the Pine Hollow Trailhead to the Timponeeke Campground, will be closed from 6 a.m. - 10 p.m. on Monday, June 7 and from 9 a.m. - noon on Thursday, June 10. All other times this section will be open, but regulated with one-way traffic flagging.

Section two, between the Timpooneke Intersection and Mount Timpanogos Campground, is completely closed to all traffic, which includes cyclists and pedestrians. Surrounding areas of the road will have one-way flagging and large traffic disruptions throughout the project’s duration.

Section three is from the Mount Timpanogos Campground to U.S. 189 in Provo Canyon. This segment will remain open, though regulated with one-way traffic flagging.


It’s important to keep in mind that, as an active work zone, these areas are particularly dangerous for cyclists and pedestrians! Any signs marking closures or one-way traffic regulation should be followed closely, for the safety of everyone involved. With so many other great road ride options in the area, this route is best saved for an early fall adventure, on a freshly chip sealed road! 

To see a map of the sections and read about their closure status, follow this link to the UDOT project summary:,P2007_PROJECT_TYPE_IND_FLAG:13976

Tweet prepared by UDOT: UDOT will chip seal the Alpine Loop (SR 92) from Pine Hollow to US 189 in Provo Canyon in segments. To prepare for this work, Segment 2 will remain closed on Memorial Day weekend through early July. For more info on traffic configurations visit

Facebook Post made by UDOT: The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) will chip seal S.R. 92 over the Alpine Loop from the Pine Hollow Trailhead to U.S. 189 in Provo Canyon in Utah County. This work will take place in June and early July 2021. In preparation for this work, a segment of the Alpine Loop from the Timpooneke intersection to the Mount Timpanogos Campground will remain closed on Memorial Day weekend through early July. For more information on construction impacts, visit or contact a project representative at or 385-501-2100.


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